Hard to think of snow on a day like today. November 7 and we had a high around 70 – the doors and windows were open wide at Mittenstock. Taking the opportunity to air out the house to bottom one more time.

It was also time to do the changeover. Move summer gear into storage and pull the winter gear to front and center once more. Time to air out the gear and make sure it is all fit for function for the season ahead.

Going to be a strange season with Covid. Ski area operations will be constrained and getting in over fifty laps in a day at Cranmore will be a memory of last year and something to look forward to again come next.

In preparations for what is to come – we are now both set up with AT gear. My seven year old Black Diamond Coverts and LaSportiva Spectre boots seem up to the task of another season. I have a few million feet of vert on them but this will be the year of going up.

It was after 7 when we closed the windows for the night. Amazing weather. A fun day.