Another glorious sunset at Mittenstock  – Time spent working with my new Z7 and 24-70 2.8.

Not sure how many photo’s I have taken from this deck – tens of thousands for sure. But what’s not to love about this?

We got a nice sunset – and the heat of the day quickly left the valley. As I watched and shot the moon set the temperature was that perfect breezy 72 – no bugs – no heat – no humidity. And what a glorious sky it was.

The moon finally set. I was pleased with the the focus system on the Z7. The ability to get critical focus at night while shooting the sky has always been a challenge on my D800 and D810. The viewfinder and screen are able to magnify the shot right up to where you can validate sharpness on a star or planet. I used a Hoodman loop on the screen to keep track of things as I shot. Worked great.