On Sunday the forecast for today was that of overcast, clouds and cold rain. Woops. Alert the media – they got it wrong – 4-5 days out.

My morning commute

This could soon be the end of the snow that came down Monday night. I am surprised it lasted as long as it did.

Something about it – the Dogs love it. Walks on snow are much more frolicking then other times. I know Sammy will miss it.

Sammy doing snow angel’s


When they are in the mood, the boys will settle down for a quick photo op –

Murphy and Sam in a sunspot


Sammy soon started to howl and Murphy trotted away



Henry James wants to walk – but is not allowed to do so – but here is a picture of him so he can feel included.

Henry James


This time of year – later in the afternoon around 5PM or so, the light comes into the kitchen ‘just right’

It’s the season combined with no foliage on the trees that make for great light beams and fun with the camera.