I have had this plank from my first days of milling.

The first thing I did after setting up my saw in the mill was to practice on a large chunk of dead pine that was laying down behind the barn. The wood was dry and made for easy first cuts while I learned what Alaskan milling was all about.

The result of those first cuts yielded a number of nice dry two inch live edge boards.

The results of my first reclaim slab project

The first one that I cleaned up ended became my first all home built furniture project. Constructed entirely out of ‘re-claim’ pine (a dead piece of windfall that I would have had to pay someone to remove).  I built it to hold the right side of my studio layout. The only thing not from the land are the casters and the Watco wood finish.

The cool thing about this second slab is that it is resting on an auray X stand (meant to hold an 88 key stage keyboard). I like how it suspends the table in space.  I can adjust the height, it is rock stable, and just looks cool. The other nice thing is you can break it all the way down and lay it flat up against the wall when you want to reallocate space.


I just happened to throw this down last night because I needed a work table for a partner and I to collaborate on some work / tech stuff. It worked out great for that. So my plan for this one is to clean it up a bit more, fill the holes with epoxy and put some Watco on it and then use it on the X stand. For $33 it makes a simple, sturdy and flexible support for this type of table.

I like it so much I may have to make another.

If you are nice I might be able to make you one as well.