A life cut short by the cruel fickle mistress that is winter in New England.

– Here comes the SUCK
We have not had much snow here on the coast and not nearly enough away in the mountains. When the opportunity to build Mr. Snow Balls came about the Goldens and I took advantage of the moment of frivolity and created this ephemeral creature. What happed to the little snow we had was a frequently traveled road unfortunately – Early season rain came back and washed what was white out to sea. We lost it all here. What is left of Mr. Snow Balls will be gone by tomorrow as we are scheduled to pick up some significant rain.
These are the times that try ones ability to relax and accept what you have no power to change. I have two days on the slopes under my watch but we had hoped to be on Wildcat today – we elected to pass on that with rain coming before dark. Wildcat lost open terrain with the same weather that killed Mr. Snow Balls. Devastating.
So the big reset switch is about to be pushed. Must have been some butterfly in Tokyo that flapped its wings a month ago.