I know it is controversial.

Skiing, riding, cycling, climbing – doing whatever – with buds in freaks out some people. If this be you then now is a good time to click next.

Last week was my first time out for the season. First time on the new planks and boots to boot. Oh, and NEW BUDS. I finally broke down and got some of the older model MKII air pods. The price had dropped with the release of the pro model and there was some cyber Monday savings at hand to make it a nows the time decision. So glad I did.

The lack of a wire means more freedom on the load out as well as increased comfort. There is a marked upgrade (IMHO) on the fidelity as well. All and all a sweet bit of kit. HOWEVER – one thing quickly became apparent. There was no tapping the bud for shuttle commands – no volume control. Once on you are all on. The balaclava and helmet see to that. Now the old way I had the wire and the controller knitted into the right side – but that is gone. I can still get to a control panel on the watch which is better than having to fish out the phone but even that is problematic. We are skiing after all and ya really don’t want to be removing a glove and dinking around with the tiny screen that is the Apple Watch. Don’t get me wrong – I love the watch as a remote head for the phone. Priceless. It’s just that I discovered that in the unique application that is skiing this setup was failing.

I had a bluetooth shutter remote kicking around in my photo junk box. I think this came with a Joby kit for phone action holder type accessory or something – that I never ended up using (fail) but why not grab the button – surely that must map out to start / stop at least. Nope. Volume up.

Enter the internet.

Hard thing to search for but clicking around for a while I came across ‘Chubby Buttons’ at Amazon. First thought was – dam that’s pricey. I almost went for a fob type of rig but looking at the design of cb’s I thought that if it worked like it looks like it might (you are never sure till you rig up most things these days) then this might be worth it.

Well I got my Chubby Buttons today. My delivery was preceded by an email from the Chubby Button CSO – Michael , who had a couple of tips and to let me know that they were standing by to make sure my experience was flawless.

Dropped in the coin cell , held play/pause till I saw flashing blue, paired to my phone, popped in the buds. Just works. Took all of 30 seconds to get going.

This rig is SO WORTH IT.

Stupid simple, elegant design and purpose built for just what I need it to be. Now destined to ride out the season strapped to my left forearm outside my shell – I am glad I found this.
